If you love someone with special needs, you know how their smile can light up a room. However, they may be more susceptible to tooth decay and infection as a result of their intellectual or physical disabilities. Like everyone else, those with special needs deserve to have excellent oral care, but it can be difficult to find a dental office that can accommodate for their needs. At Dr. Glen’s Happy Teeth, we are proud to welcome patients of all abilities to our office with special needs dentistry in Long Beach. Do you or a loved one need special accommodations for the next dental appointment? Contact us, schedule a visit, and let us know what we can do to make oral care better!
Along with the other challenges that people with intellectual and physical disabilities can face, caring for their teeth can present a real struggle. While some do not have the ability or fine motor skills to handle a toothbrush and floss independently, others can struggle with focusing for several minutes every day on these essential habits. Many, because of their special needs, find sitting in the chair at the dentist’s office difficult. Whatever the situation, our team at Dr. Glen’s Happy Teeth can gladly help, provide guidance for easier oral care at home, and make in-office visits less stressful.
In the dental office, special needs patients may have trouble sitting perfectly still for long periods of time, but that’s where our team can make a huge difference, providing a more comfortable, inclusive experience for everyone. Our dentists and team members have undergone training to work with patients with these kinds of special needs. We also use advanced technology that can make the appointment go more smoothly. Perhaps most importantly, we are genuinely patient and are willing to make accommodations for whatever disabilities our patients may have.
Oral health matters for everyone, regardless of their circumstances. People who have special needs may require assistance with daily dental care, specifically with brushing and flossing. If your child or loved one is unable to perform these tasks on their own, a helper may need to do it for them. If necessary, this routine can be broken up into smaller steps if sitting still is a problem. You can also play music to help motivate them and engage other forms of learning, especially for children. When you meet with us, we’ll be happy to share more advice and listen to your concerns.