General anesthesia allows a patient to sleep through their dental appointment and wake up with no memory of what happened while they were out. This service at Dr. Glen’s Happy Teeth can help even the most nervous dental patients as well as those in need of extensive care enjoy a smooth and comfortable experience. We offer general anesthesia in Long Beach for patients of all ages with the assistance of a board-certified anesthesiologist at a nearby hospital. So, whether it’s for yourself or your child, you can trust that the end result will be a healthy smile that will last for years to come. Reach out to us today to learn more about this option.
You’ve probably heard of general anesthesia before and seen it portrayed in a variety of movies and TV shows. It causes a patient to become and remain completely unconscious during their dental procedure. Afterward, they’ll just feel like they’ve woken up from a long nap.
The medication itself is typically administered via an IV in the hand or arm, and this will be handled by a licensed anesthesiologist in a hospital setting to ensure both the comfort and safety of the patient. Thankfully, the type of general anesthesia we use for dentistry is not quite as potent compared to what is common for major surgery. That means while the patient is able to sleep peacefully, waking them up is much easier, and they won’t feel as groggy or “out of it” for as long.
General anesthesia is not a service we recommend very often, but for the patients who could benefit from it—it’s a game changer. We’ll talk about you or your child’s situation to determine whether this approach is a good fit based on factors like overall health, medical history, current medications, dental needs, and more.
Some of the most common reasons we suggest using general anesthesia include: