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Before, During & After: What to Expect from Tongue-Tie Treatment

July 18, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 3:45 pm
diagram of before and after tongue-tie treatment

Breastfeeding is supposed to be easy—or so you thought. It’s been a struggle with your little one, and now they’re starting to try solid foods. Unfortunately, they don’t seem to handle certain textures very well. During a playgroup with other moms, you talk about your troubles with a friend, and they recommend talking to a pediatric dentist about possible tongue-tie treatment.

The tissue underneath their tongue does seem thick, but a procedure to fix it seems drastic on your little baby. Perhaps knowing what to expect will help you feel more confident about doing something about it!


3 Benefits of Invisalign Besides Appearance

June 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 10:19 am
Close-up of Invisalign aligner trays

Most people would choose Invisalign over traditional braces based solely on its discrete looks. The clear aligning trays aren’t as noticeable as the other option’s brackets and wires. However, did you know that aligners have other advantages too?

Below is a summary of three subtler benefits of Invisalign compared to alternative treatments. Take them into consideration the next time you need to straighten your smile!


4 Spring-Cleaning Tips to Spruce Up Your Smile!

March 24, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 6:46 pm
man brushing his teeth

Spring is finally here, and that means it’s the perfect time to throw out the unwanted junk your home has accumulated over the past year. However, your abode isn’t the only thing that deserves freshening up. You should also consider giving your smile a spring cleaning! These four easy tips for sprucing up your dental care can set you up for a year of bright, healthy smiles.


What Are the Most Common Dental Emergency Procedures?

February 9, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 9:01 pm
dentist looking inside a patient’s mouth

Dental emergencies are frightening and can occur when you least expect them to. While some may happen by accident, others are the result of untreated decay or damage. Luckily, there are many ways to painlessly treat these unfortunate problems. Of course, the specific procedure you need will depend on the type of emergency you’re experiencing. Read on to learn more about dental emergencies, the most common treatments used, and tips for preventing these situations.   


Revealed: The Step-By-Step Process of Invisalign Treatment

January 7, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 1:39 pm
Dentist shows Invisalign clear aligner to male patient

Tired of living with crowded or misaligned teeth? Thanks to Invisalign in Long Beach, you can straighten your smile without the hassle of metal brackets and wires. Instead, Invisalign treatment uses smooth plastic aligners to gradually reposition teeth. It may sound futuristic, but over 11 million people have already used Invisalign clear aligners to transform their smiles. Keep reading to discover the step-by-step process of getting Invisalign.


Enjoy Your Thanksgiving with Dental Implants

November 3, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 1:26 pm
family enjoying Thanksgiving dinner

The air is crisper, the leaves are changing colors, and the end of the year is approaching quickly. Do you know what that means? Thanksgiving will be here before you know it! Unfortunately, people with dentures or missing teeth may dread the special day because they won’t be able to enjoy the family meals and parties. If that sounds like you, don’t worry – getting dental implants in Long Beach can help you relax and comfortably partake in all the festivities! Here’s what you should know.


3 Reasons to Maximize Your Dental Insurance Benefits Before 2021 Ends

September 15, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 1:24 pm
woman learning how to maximize dental insurance benefits from a dentist in Long Beach

Have you ever wondered why dental insurance is separate from medical insurance? While medical insurance is designed to cover the cost of treating health issues after they arise, dental insurance is focused on preventing these problems from developing in the first place. Unfortunately, many people aren’t aware of this, so they end up wasting the coverage they’re paying for with their premiums. If you want to avoid losing money and maximize your dental insurance benefits, then you should schedule a checkup and cleaning with your dentist in Long Beach, NY before the year ends. Here are three reasons why.


6 Things You Need to Know About Getting Braces As An Adult

August 10, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 7:29 pm
Woman smiles while getting braces as an adult

Are you embarrassed or concerned about your crooked teeth or bite problems, but aren’t sure what to do about them? Many adults worry that they missed out on their chance to fix these issues now that they’re no longer teenagers. Thankfully, that’s far from the truth! In fact, more than a million adults choose to start braces every year! If you’re interested in getting braces as an adult, here are six important things to keep in mind that will help you make an informed decision.


5 Big Freedoms You Can Enjoy with Invisalign

July 8, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 8:12 pm
Closeup of Invisalign in Long Beach on colorful outdoor background

Traditional metal braces are a reliable way to correct orthodontic issues, but they require a few changes to your day-to-day life. From what you can eat to how you floss, braces come with a list of rules and restrictions. Thankfully, they’re not your only option for a straighter smile anymore! With Invisalign in Long Beach, you can keep living life to the fullest without any hesitation. Read on as we go over five of the most important freedoms you can enjoy with these clear, removable aligners.


You Asked, We Answered: What Should I Pack in My Dental Emergency Kit?

June 17, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 5:40 pm
Illustration of tooth next to emergency kit

Unfortunately, all it takes is one accidental elbow to your jaw during a pick-up game of frisbee, one wrong bite on your fork, or one bad fall on your evening walk to sustain a tooth-related injury. These situations can be both anxiety-inducing and painful, which is why being as prepared as possible is paramount. If you are interested in putting together a dental emergency kit but aren’t entirely sure what you’ll need, then keep reading!

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