Though it may seem like a modern pursuit, humans have struggled to get whiter teeth throughout history.
The first attempts on record occurred about 4,000 years ago with the Egyptians. Back then, white teeth were a sign of prestige and affluence, so whitening them was just as much for aesthetics as it was for status. To achieve results, the ancient Egyptians created a paste made of vinegar and pumice to attempt to scrub away stains and discoloration. Naturally, this didn’t work well (or taste good) and probably caused more harm to the tooth enamel than good.
In ancient Rome, well-intentioned tooth whiteners had a perhaps weirder method to whiten teeth. They used urine (yes, seriously) to attempt whitening, but in addition to this being gross, it also wasn’t very effective either.
During the 17th century, there were still no dentists, so people visited their barbers to help with both their hair and their oral health. Barbers would file down the teeth and then treat them with an acid which though intended to whiten, caused the teeth to erode and increased cavities and decay. Not exactly the look they were going for.
In the 19th century, a major discovery was made when dentists attempting to treat gum disease with peroxide noticed that it was extremely effective at whitening teeth. When combined with a heating lamp in 1918, it was discovered that this method was even more effective. By the 1960s dentists learned that soaking teeth overnight in peroxide also made them very white, but since this wasn’t possible to do with teeth that were still in the mouth, this didn’t work for most people.
It wasn’t until 1989 that modern teeth whitening began when dentists discovered that using a gel made of opalescence carbamide peroxide would provide safe, effective whitening. Following this revelation, the teeth whitening market took off, making way for the $2 billion dollar industry that it is today!
Today, if you’re looking for a safe, effective way to whiten your teeth, speak to your dentist about professional whitening. Modern-day methods provide beautiful, natural looking results in about an hour, without having to resort to dangerous (or gross!) concoctions like our ancestors had to.
About Dr. Glen
Dr. Glen Shanock loves helping kids smile! His calm, cheerful demeanor makes children (and parents!) feel at ease, which makes encouraging them to care for their oral health a whole lot easier.
To schedule an appointment at Dr. Glen’s Happy Teeth, please visit our website or call us today at 516-517-0331.