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Dental Drugs: Who’s A Good Candidate for General Anesthesia?

June 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 4:54 pm

If you or your child has a complex dental procedure on the horizon or are nervous about an upcoming appointment, then you might benefit from sedation. The good news is that many providers offer a variety of sedation options, each with its own benefits and considerations. Whether it’s oral conscious sedation in pill form or laughing gas inhaled through a mask, there’s more than one way to help you feel calm and responsive throughout your visit.

However, some people experience such intense anxiety that they need to be put to sleep to receive essential oral care. In these instances, general anesthesia may be considered. If you’re dreading your next dental appointment but are unsure whether you might benefit from this medication, continue reading to learn more about it!

What Is General Anesthesia?

General anesthesia refers to a state of unconsciousness that’s produced by administering certain medications. Unlike other sedatives, these drugs ensure that you won’t feel anything and are unable to remember your procedure after the fact. It can be dangerous if it’s not monitored by a licensed professional because it can slow your cardiovascular and respiratory systems. That’s why your dental team will be sure to supervise you or your child’s vitals the entire time you’re under.

Because it comes with more risks than IV sedation or other methods, this technique is usually reserved for those with a severe dental phobia or long, complex surgeries.

How is General Anesthesia Administered?

Multiple medications can be utilized for general anesthesia so the application may vary based on the type your dentist uses. Typically, you’ll either receive the drug intravenously, through an injection, or by inhaling it through a mask. Once you or your child are unconscious, your provider will insert an endotracheal tube so that your body continues breathing while it’s essentially paralyzed.

You’ll probably be numb for a while after your appointment and may be kept in recovery so your dentist can ensure that you don’t have any adverse reactions. Then, you’ll likely need someone to drive you home and relay important information about post-op instructions and follow-up visits.

Who’s A Good Candidate for General Anesthesia?

Because it comes with certain risks, you must schedule a consultation with your dentist before general anesthesia can be approved for you or your loved one. They’ll gather information about your medical history and any current prescriptions or supplements you’re taking so that they don’t do anything that could harm your health. You might be approved for general anesthesia if you have:

  • Large or extensive treatments that must be performed.
  • A severe dental phobia.
  • Special needs or sensory issues.
  • An allergy or resistance to other forms of sedation.

If you or your kid have other medical conditions, you might not be the best fit for this technique. The best way to find out is to schedule an appointment with your dentist today!

About the Practice

At Dr. Glen’s Happy Teeth, people of all ages benefit from three skilled dentists with decades of combined experience helping families enhance their oral health. They work together to provide a full range of services under one roof to streamline your care. There’s no need for additional providers when everyone in the family can come to the same practice! They put patients first and focus on making you feel comfortable, and are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment that can help. If you’re interested in general anesthesia for an upcoming appointment, feel free to contact the office on the website or by calling (516) 517-0331.

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