When the food is finally brought to the table on Thanksgiving day, everyone gets excited – especially if you skipped breakfast to save room for more turkey. But did you know some of your holiday favorites could be harboring leftover Halloween horrors? You might not be so thrilled to know that there could be smile stainers at the table – foods that can easily turn your pearly whites yellow.
Fortunately, knowledge is power. Find out which Thanksgiving specialties are a risk so you know which ones to eat in moderation!
Red Wine
Red wine might’ve been your first guess. It’s rich, scarlet hue is notorious for staining carpets and dresses. Indeed, if it can leave a permanent mark on those things, it can most likely tarnish your teeth. Something to keep in mind when you’re trying to decide what drink to bring!
Berry-Based Pies
Thankfully, pumpkin pie is safe for shiny teeth. In fact, pumpkin contains all sorts of good nutrients that promote happy and healthy pearly whites, and pumpkin pie tends to contain less sugar than other options.
Berry-based pies, on the other hand, can most definitely cause dental yellowing. Raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries are just as richly pigmented as wine, so be careful around these classics.
After enjoying a meal full of turkey and carbohydrates, you’ll likely start to feel drowsy. This won’t do if your relatives are the active sort, so maybe your gaze lands on the coffee pot. But, yes, coffee can stain your teeth, and it might not be the best idea for your smile if you’ve also had wine. Drinking it through a straw can help mitigate coffee’s darkening effect in a pinch, though – as long as you don’t mind looking a little strange!
Cranberry Anything
Cranberry sauce, cranberry pie, cranberry anything will discolor your smile. For one thing, it’s also a berry. For another, it tends to be a vibrant red-purple color, both of which are strong stainers. Be mindful of how many cranberry-centric foods you eat during Thanksgiving.
Do you have to completely avoid these foods for the sake of a pristine smile? No! If you saw your favorite Thanksgiving classic on this list, don’t feel guilty about enjoying it. Remember to brush and floss your teeth at the end of the day and don’t go overboard with how much staining foods you eat, and your smile will still be pearly for family photos.
About the Practice
At Dr. Glen’s Happy Teeth, we have a pediatric dentist, board-certified orthodontist, and general dentist on staff. Their unique experiences and specialties allow us to provide patients of all ages a truly comprehensive list of dental care. If your teeth need some extra help this holiday season, we’d be happy to get you scheduled for a teeth whitening treatment or professional cleaning! To contact our office, call 516-517-0331.