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Clean Cosmetics: Why Do I Need an Exam to Upgrade my Grin?

January 12, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — happyteeth @ 7:21 pm
Patient smiling at reflection as with dentist standing behind her

Your smile is one of the first things others notice about you, and if yours is riddled with imperfections, you might be remembered for the wrong reasons. If your teeth are stained, chipped, cracked, or misshapen, you might develop anxiety worrying about how others will perceive your appearance.

Thankfully, your dentist can improve your visage with one or several cosmetic procedures, but you must consult them before proceeding to ensure no pre-existing issues get in the way. Continue reading to learn 3 reasons your dentist examines your mouth before upgrading your grin!


Busting Myths: 3 Falsehoods About Cosmetic Dentistry

December 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — happyteeth @ 7:48 pm
Closeup of woman with hazel eyes smiling

Many people don’t realize that aesthetic issues in their teeth can affect everything from their confidence to their dental health. If your pearly whites are flawed, you might worry about how others perceive you and avoid spending time with them. Plus, your condition might worsen and lead to potentially progressive issues, like additional injuries that lead to infection.

Fortunately, your dentist can provide cosmetic services to help, but many patients avoid scheduling these elected procedures because they’ve heard some misinformation. Keep reading to learn 3 myths about these treatments you shouldn’t believe!


Smile Stainers You Might Find at Thanksgiving

November 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — happyteeth @ 9:33 pm
An aesthetically pleasing bowl of cranberry sauce

When the food is finally brought to the table on Thanksgiving day, everyone gets excited – especially if you skipped breakfast to save room for more turkey. But did you know some of your holiday favorites could be harboring leftover Halloween horrors? You might not be so thrilled to know that there could be smile stainers at the table – foods that can easily turn your pearly whites yellow.

Fortunately, knowledge is power. Find out which Thanksgiving specialties are a risk so you know which ones to eat in moderation!


When Pearly Whites Grow Dim: Why Teeth Turn Gray and How a Dentist Can Help

October 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — happyteeth @ 9:01 pm
Lady thinks something over

Human teeth are naturally a slightly yellowish shade of white, but they can accrue stains or discoloration over the years. While yellow or brown stains are more common, some patients may notice that one or more of their teeth take on a grayish or bluish tint. While this problem can be unsightly, it may also be indicative of an underlying oral health issue. Here’s why your teeth may appear to be gray and how your dentist can help you achieve a healthier and more beautiful smile.


A Brief History of Teeth Whitening

September 16, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — happyteeth @ 4:56 pm
A woman getting a professional teeth whitening treatment.

Though it may seem like a modern pursuit, humans have struggled to get whiter teeth throughout history.


Back-to-School Dental Emergencies? Not with These 5 Dental Safety Tips!

August 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — happyteeth @ 5:26 pm
Little girl looking back and smiling before heading to school

Preparing your kid for going back to school takes a lot of work. It’s plenty of chaos for even the most diligent of planners, so a pediatric dental emergency is the last thing you want to deal with! A few simple teeth-oriented safety tips can save you and your child from unwanted surprises. Don’t worry – there’s plenty your pediatric dentist can do to help out, too. Keep reading for five preventative care tips.


3 Reasons Why You Won’t Regret Getting a Root Canal

July 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — happyteeth @ 10:56 pm
patient visiting their dentist and smiling

If your dentist has advised you to get a root canal, it’s natural to feel a bit anxious about it. Many people are under the impression that this treatment is painful or unpleasant. However, there’s no need to worry about the procedure. With more than 15 million root canals performed in the U.S. each year, this procedure is both common and effective. Here are three reasons to feel confident about your upcoming root canal.


Dental Drugs: Who’s A Good Candidate for General Anesthesia?

June 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 4:54 pm

If you or your child has a complex dental procedure on the horizon or are nervous about an upcoming appointment, then you might benefit from sedation. The good news is that many providers offer a variety of sedation options, each with its own benefits and considerations. Whether it’s oral conscious sedation in pill form or laughing gas inhaled through a mask, there’s more than one way to help you feel calm and responsive throughout your visit.

However, some people experience such intense anxiety that they need to be put to sleep to receive essential oral care. In these instances, general anesthesia may be considered. If you’re dreading your next dental appointment but are unsure whether you might benefit from this medication, continue reading to learn more about it!


Pulp Therapy or Tooth Extraction: Which is the Best Choice for Your Child?

May 17, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 3:07 pm

As a parent, seeing your child suffering from the pain of an infected tooth can be quite a distressing experience. You’ll naturally want to do anything you can to help your little one find relief – but what is the best way to do that? Should the infection be treated with pulp therapy? Or would a tooth extraction be a better solution? Your pediatric dentist is here to help you figure out the right steps to take to protect your child’s smile.


DEBUNKED: 5 Common Myths About Pulp Therapy

April 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 5:06 pm

Pulp therapy in pediatric dentistry plays an important part in preserving the health of young smiles. The treatment can effectively remove infected pulp while leaving the tooth intact. This helps your child keep their oral development on track while getting them out of pain! However, misinformation is everywhere on the internet and the procedure has its share of uninformed information. Continue reading to see several of the most popular myths debunked!

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